You’re still here.
Was it curiosity or ambition that kept you interested?
Most likely it was curiosity. The first thing that probably came to mind was: How can she help me? I have a publisher.
Here’s how.
Some publishers don’t give their authors the tools to transition into independent publishing.
Honestly, it isn’t their job to; It’s yours to learn how to transition on your own. And I want to teach you. I’m qualified to teach you because I’ve been an independent author for five years, and I have nearly ten years of experience in the writing industry. In addition, I ran an independently owned publishing company for seven years. So, I know my stuff. The tools I give you to transition are the same exact tools I used during my own. Some, I still use today.
I have the experience, the track record, and client testimonials to back me up. Just click the link below if you need a little more convincing.
Did you click the button? Trust me enough to continue reading without clicking?
When you signed your contract, did you plan to stay a contracted author? Probably not. Hopefully not. Do you know what you’re going to do in the next year or five? When you leave are you prepared to start all over? Because guess what? That’s what you’re going to do. Start over. It’s literally going to feel like being a new author all over again. Sadly, a big chunk of the readers you gained with your publisher won’t follow you when you leave the company. Crazy, right? It happened to me. It happens to a lot of authors. Only a handful of authors are lucky to have a smooth transition that doesn’t feel like a transition at all.
Another thing… are you prepared to see your royalties plummet? That’s going to happen too. Especially if you haven’t built an independent catalog yet. I’m not trying to scare you. I’m trying to prepare you. You can’t jump right into it blind. You have to transition. Jumping into it will hinder your growth and you’ll be right back in the market for a publisher. I’m not saying the tools I have will send you straight to the top. That would be a lie. I don’t sale dreams and if you ask any one of my previous clients, they can vouch for that. However, I will teach you how to transition in a way that will make the switch a whole a lot smoother.
Like I said before, this ‘university’ isn’t specifically for contracted authors. The tools I use work for writers in general. The formula is a little different but it works the same. Maybe you’re an author who jumped straight into independent publishing. Maybe you’re an author who was once contracted and didn’t transition the right way, and now you’re lost and discouraged. I can help you.
If the university isn’t for you, but you still need guidance, we can talk and I can put together a specific coaching package for you. Writing means the most to me. I’m extremely passionate about it. So naturally, if one of my peers are struggling, I want to help. In anyway possible.